Style Tips Every Woman Should Know

Style Tips Every Woman Should Know

In the sea of trends, it is important that you find your style and choose an attire that suits you best. People are often inspired by celebrities or fashion trends when they talk about building a personal style, but it’s not really a good solution. The most important thing is that you radiate self-confidence and feel good in your own skin. Following are some style tips every woman should know.

Organize Your Closet
Many women are turning towards the capsule wardrobe concept. If you think that it isn’t for you, then it is recommended that you at least organize your closet every now and then. Declutter your wardrobe and sell or donate anything that you don’t love or wear. Next, organize the remaining items into different categories. This will make your closet feel more inspiring.

Invest in Styles That Work for Your Shape
Your shape is important and you should respect it. Don’t buy smaller clothes thinking that they will hide your extra pounds. Similarly, larger size clothes don’t add weight and make you appear bigger than you are. When it comes to outfits, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable in them. So, invest in styles that work for your shape.

Don’t Be Afraid to Mix Patterns
Clashing prints and textures make a great fashion statement. It is recommended that you choose neutral patterns like lowkey textures, e.g. knits, and leather as well as stripes, adding in the paisleys and sequins in small amounts (e.g. a scarf) until you learn what suits you best.

Curate Your Colors to Suit Your Skin Tone
It is highly recommended that you choose colors that complement your personal coloring and skin tone. The idea here is that colors that complement your skin tone act almost like makeup and help to enhance and liven your complexion. So, shop for garments in colors like silver, grey, blue, black, and white if you have a cool complexion. Designs in shades of olive, gold, brown, red, and yellow are suitable for warmer undertones.

Don’t Forget to Accessorize
Accessories are your best friend. Wearing them gives you an extra stylish feel and look and shows that you put more effort into your attire. And above everything else, wearing accessories that resonate with your preferences and personality makes you happy. Stylish shoes, sunglasses, hats, bags, and jewelry are all great choices. Just make sure you don’t over accessorize. Less is more when it comes to styling with accessories.

Pre-Select Outfits for Busy Mornings
You cannot plan for everything, but you can plan for busy mornings and make sure that they don’t catch you off-guard. Similar to how you would plan a week’s worth of meals ahead of time, pre-selecting outfits will make way for stress-free mornings. It is recommended that you pre-select outfits for every occasion, e.g. business, formal, etc.

Your personal style is a reflection of many things but most importantly, it is something that reflects on who you are. Finding the right style for you may be challenging, but the above-listed guidelines will go a long way into helping you look good and feel good in whatever you choose to wear.

Photos by: Anastasia Shuraeva, Victoria Borodinova, Anete Lusina, Yaroslava Borz, Liza Summer, Mike Von, Andrea Piacquadio

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