4 Tips for a Cozy Home

4 Tips for a Cozy Home

In today’s frantic world, it is more important than ever to create a peaceful, calm, and cozy space that allows you to rejuvenate and recharge. Unfortunately, its ability to do so is usually overlooked, resulting in a space that can drain you if it’s not properly decorated. The good news is, it is possible and quite easy to create a cozy home. There are many tips out there on how to make a home cozy but these 4 have been proven to be very effective and foolproof.

Combine Old and New
The first secret of creating a cozy home is to not be afraid of combining objects from different times. Old and new objects are so interesting and complimentary that you can really create a design magic by mixing them. Allow yourself the freedom to create and combine old and new elements, e.g. materials, prints, colors, fabric, furniture, etc. and place them where you find them to be pleasing. As long as these objects occupy suitable spaces and you feel it’s perfect and right, they will make the space cozy.

Be Inspired by Nature
Decorating with natural elements makes for a serene, tranquil home ambience. Combine natural décor with items that you already have that are meaningful and personal to you, and you will have the best recipe for a relaxed, inviting, and cozy space. Also, make sure to vary the types of natural elements you choose for your space. Nature has a calming influence and colors such as green and blue perfectly reflect it. So, be sure to add these relaxing shades via small accessories, e.g. coasters, picture frames, pillows, etc.

Choose a Statement Piece
Statement pieces can easily add to the coziness of a home. You can choose something simple such as a striking piece of artwork or a statement piece that’s inspired from your home’s décor, textures, and colors. Your choice of a statement piece to create a cozy home depends heavily on your specific taste, personality, and the decorative style of your space. Generally, choosing a statement piece requires careful consideration, but if you really like something, you will find a way to make it work.

Foreground Wood
Wood instantly warms a space. The presence of real wood in a home looks inviting, rich, and cozy. Wood floors are a common way to introduce this design element to your space, so are wood window trims, doors, and beams. If you wish, you can also make a really strong statement with an all-wood wall. Adding plank wood siding to the walls is a great investment but you may need to hire professional help for this.

The secret to creating a cozy home typically lies in selecting good accents that make the space both cozy and functional. Your home is one place where you can let your taste and personality shine through with all your decisions about the décor. Consider the style of each room carefully against your specific preferences and you will surely create a cozy home that you will never want to leave.

Photos by: Kate Darmody, Alyssa Strohmann, Minh Pham, Andrea Davis

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